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      CLINICAL EVIDENCE (Harris, S, MD, London, 2016)


      To test the effects of the Dr Harris Mask (DHM), a double-blind randomised controlled trial was conducted on 30 subjects with mild to severe glabellar lines. Subjects in the experimental group (n=15) were instructed to wear the DHM for 15 minutes, while those in the control group (n=15) were instructed to wear a regular eye mask (REM) for 15 minutes. Changes in glabellar lines were assessed by expert grading and image analysis of digital images of subjects’ faces. Emotional relaxation was assessed by subject self-assessment. The results of this trial found that the DHM significantly improved the appearance of glabellar lines afer 15 minutes in comparison to the REM (p=.001), with comparable benefits at around five hours (Fig. 3). The former also showed a greater tendency toward emotional relaxation.

      Preliminary results from a second random controlled trial support the above findings (after wearing the mask for just 10 minutes) as well as the underlying mechanism of action; when wearing the DHM, changes in blood pressure, heart rate and brain activity (EEG) indicate a lowering of sympathetic activity. Furthermore, it appears that the reduced muscle tone not only diminishes facial lines but produces an overall
      relaxed appearance by reducing muscle activity related to stress; for example, the frown reduces; the corners of the mouth turn upwards; clenching of the jaw reduced and the definition of the jaw line improves. As a result, the face becomes more heart-shaped, and the patient appears less stressed and more fresh and youthful.


      In conclusion, the DHM introduces a novel, holistic approach to aesthetic medicine. It presents a completely non-invasive, safe and effective way to treat not only facial lines, but the face as a whole along with the body and mind. By gently stimulating mechanoreceptors, the DHM acts to reduce sympathetic activity leading to a decrease in both muscle tone and emotional arousal. The result is a simultaneous improvement in the way one looks and feels.


      To the authors’ knowledge, the SEM is the first product of its kind which specifically targets cutaneous recognised the differences between the masks when fitting them on for the experiment. This may have introduced an element of bias toward the SEM.
      These limitations notwithstanding, the study data, from both objective and subjective assessments, provided consistent results to show the SEM significantly improved glabellar lines when compared to the REM and the former also showed a greater tendency toward emotional relaxation.



      Sleep study undertaken by 15 CurrentBody customers in May/June 2022.

      All participants were part of the CurrentBody Community group on Facebook so familiar with beauty devices.

      All were given the Dr Harris anti-ageing sleep mask to use for the study, having not used the mask before. 

      Participants were asked to track their sleep for 5 consecutive nights without the sleep mask and upload screengrabs of their sleep patterns from the apps that showed the results from their sleep tracker.

      Following that, they would repeat the process but this time wearing the sleep mask and continuing to track. 

      There were some clear results relating to improvements in deep sleep as well as overall amount of sleep with 5 case studies in the pages that follow. 

      For more information view the blog > Evidence the Dr. Harris Anti-Wrinkle Sleep Mask really does improve sleep

      커런트바디 전문가의 소견

      우리는 런던의 선도적인 미용 전문가이자 주름 개선 치료의 권위자인 Dr. Steve Harris MB BCh MSc MBCAM과 협력하여 이 혁신적인 수면 마스크를 선보입니다. 임상 시험을 통해 이 마스크가 이완을 개선하고 수면을 돕는 효과가 입증되었습니다.

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      네, 이 마스크는 필러의 효과를 유지하는 데 도움이 되는 훌륭한 보조 치료입니다.

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      * 임상 시험에서 닥터 해리스 안티 링클 수면 마스크는 표준 수면 마스크와 비교하여 단 15분 만에 즉각적으로 64%의 주름 감소 효과를 입증했습니다.

      ** 임상 시험에서 닥터 해리스 안티 링클 수면 마스크를 착용한 참가자 중 67%가 15분 후 정서적 이완을 경험했다고 보고했으며, 표준 마스크를 착용한 참가자는 20%에 불과했습니다.

      관리 방법: 실리콘 점은 마른 천으로 닦아주세요. 다림질이나 세탁기 건조는 피하세요. 필요할 경우, 마스크는 저온에서 세탁기 세척이 가능합니다.

      주의: 실크, 실리콘 또는 엘라스틱 소재에 민감하거나 알레르기가 있는 경우 마스크를 착용하지 마세요.

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