(FDA승인) 커런트바디 스킨 안티블레미쉬 LED 펜
정밀한 레드 & 블루 라이트로 여드름 스팟을 겨냥
Delivery Methods
꼭 알아두세요!
- 빠른 해결책, 단 3분 여드름 스팟 트리트먼트
- 레드 & 블루 라이트를 결합한 LED 트리트먼트
- 블루라이트 단독 사용보다 36% 더 효과적
- 붉은 기와 붓기를 진정
- FDA 승인
피부 트러블로 부터 완벽한 휴식을 피부에 선사하세요.
레드라이트와 블루라이트를 사용하는 가장 정밀한 스팟 컨트롤 테크놀리지로, 여드름 박테리아를 박멸해 피부를 진정 시킵니다.
이 두가지 LED라이트의 조합은 블루라이트만 단독으로 사용하는 것보다 여드름 개선에 36% 더 효과적임을 임상적으로 입증 하였습니다.
우리의 안티블레미쉬 LED 펜은 레드라이트와 블루라이트를 결합하여 여드름 발생 원인인 박테리아부터 그로인한 부어오름, 붉은기까지 여드름의 모든 단계를 치료합니다. 피부를 더 깨끗하게 만드는 빠른 해결책입니다.
여드름 스팟에 3분간 대세요. 여드름이 사라질 때까지 매일 사용하세요.

커런트바디의 과학
블루(415nm)와 레드(633nm) 라이트를 함께 사용하는 커런트바디의 저출력 라이트 테라피(LLLT, low-level light therapy)로 각각의 여드름을 치료합니다. 이는 블루라이트만 사용할 때보다 36% 더 효과적임을 과학적으로 증명했습니다.
6개의 더블 LED 전구는 단 3분안에 여드름을 겨냥합니다.
언제 어디서나 여드름을 개선하는 간편한 휴대용 해결책입니다.

Your Questions Answered
Our in-house Beauty Expert answers your most common Questions.
Step 1: Conduct a sensitivity test.
Step 2: Cleanse and dry your skin, then switch on the device. Apply directly to the area you wish to treat, ensuring the light is directed into the skin.
Step 3: Hold for 3 minutes until you hear the beep, then move onto the next area you wish to treat.
Step 4: After 15 minutes, the device will automatically switch off. Wipe clean and safely store.
Step 5: Continue with the rest of your skincare routine.
Expert Advice: Use 3 to 5 times a week for at least 6 weeks to see best results. Stop the treatment at any time by pressing the button for 2 seconds to switch off the device. Do not use more than once a day on the same spot.
Blue is the best light therapy for blemishes. When combined with red light therapy, these wavelengths treat mild to moderate blemishes, lowering the skin’s inflammation and preventing scarring.
Blue light therapy treats mild to moderate blemishes and lowers inflammation, while preventing scarring.
Blemishes refer to imperfections on the skin, such as discolouration, spots, or marks, caused by various factors like hormonal changes, genetics, stress, skincare, diet, and environment.
Our Anti-Blemish LED Pen is designed to treat mild to moderate acne, pimples, whiteheads, small cysts or nodules. However, it's not effective for treating pockmarks or indentations from previous spots, nor is it recommended for those with a history of melasma. If you have severe acne, please consult your doctor.
Please consult your healthcare professional for advice. See our chart here for more information.
Clogged hair follicles due to excess oil, dead skin cells, dirt, or makeup can cause blemishes, while hormonal changes can increase oil production, leading to pore blockage.
And while stress alone doesn’t cause blemishes, it can aggravate the symptoms.
No, do not use this device more than once a day on the same spot. The technology is already calibrated to be the most effective within the time allotted.
1.5 to 2 hours for a full charge.
Wipe the top of the LEDs with alcohol wipes or a damp, lint free cloth to remove any residue after each use.
Clean the device body by using a damp microfiber cloth. Do not use chemical or alcohol based cleaners on the plastic coating, and allow the device to dry completely before next use.
Light therapy wands are designed to move across the skin, while the CurrentBody Skin Anti-Blemish LED Pen is designed to target one blemish at a time in 3 minutes. This offers a more targeted and precise approach to reducing the occasional breakout.

Need some help?
Our friendly experts are here to help you to find your perfect beauty device.
Test your light sensitivity before use.
Step 1: Switch on your device.
Step 2: Place the device on your arm and perform a full 13-minute treatment with either red or blue light, making sure your skin is clean and dry before use.
Step 3: After 3 minutes, visually check the area.
If the area has become red and this lasts for more than 2 hours, your skin has a sensitivity to light. Return the device to CurrentBody within 14 days of purchase for a full refund.
Product Weight: 20g
Dimensions: W 80mm x L 30mm x H 30mm
Wavelengths: Red (633nm), blue (415nm)
Power Source: Lithium Ion Battery
Power Density: 30 mW/cm²
Number of LED’s: 3 double LED diodes; 3 red (633nm) diodes and 3 blue (415nm) diodes
Operating Environment Temperature: 10-35˚C
Operating Environment Humidity: 30-80%RHStorage Environment Temperature: 20-60˚C
Storage Environment Humidity: 30-90%RH
Ask your doctor prior to using if you:
Are taking any prescription or over-the-counter medicines known to cause light sensitivity. You can find more information and a list of drugs that can cause light sensitivity here.
Have suspicious or cancerous lesions.
Have any photosensitive disorders or genetic eye diseases.
Do not use the device on areas with phlebitis, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins or if you have a medical history of light-triggered seizures or epilepsy.
The device should only be used on Fitzpatrick Skin Types I to IV.
This appliance must not be used by children aged 12 or under.
People aged between 13 and 18 must always use the appliance under adult supervision.
Please consult your doctor before use if you are, or suspect you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Please consult your doctor before use if you have, or suspect you have, cancer.
DO NOT use the device if it is wet. If the device has been dropped in water, you must first unplug it before touching it.
Blue light is harmful to the eyes, so always make sure that the glasses are correctly fitted ensuring no light is projected into the eyes when using the device.
DO NOT use if your skin is red or inflamed due to a previous treatment.
DO NOT use the device to treat skin that is painful to the touch, raised (higher than the surrounding skin), crusted or bleeding. This may be a sign of a more serious condition and should be investigated by your doctor.
No modification of this equipment is permitted.
STOP using the device and consult your healthcare provider if you have an adverse reaction to the use of the device.
STOP your treatment if it feels hot or if your skin feels uncomfortably warm.
DO NOT use the device on unpigmented spots or areas of skin affected by vitiligo.
DO NOT open if you have had recent surgery/other surgical procedures or if you have a bacterial infection, as this may lead to worsening of symptoms.
DO NOT use or store the device near hot surfaces, in direct sunlight or where the temperature exceeds 100F, as this may damage the plastic coating of the device.
DO NOT use solvents or abrasive cleaners on the appliance.
DO NOT use the appliance in any way other than that specified in the User Manual.
DO NOT use the device with a USB-C cable other than the one supplied by CurrentBody. The device must only be used with the USB cable supplied. If any part of the main adapter or cable is damaged, discontinue use and contact CurrentBody.
DO NOT scratch the light-emitting surface.이런 제품은 어떠세요?