• 커런트바디 스킨 LED 마스크 offer
  • 커런트바디 스킨 LED 마스크 offer
  • 커런트바디 스킨 LED 마스크 offer
  • 커런트바디 스킨 LED 마스크 offer

커런트바디 스킨 LED 마스크 offer

The world’s most powerful anti-ageing LED face mask

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LED 마스크

  1. CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Face Mask

  2. USB-C Charging Cable

  3. User Manual

  4. Comfort Goggles

  5. Controller

  6. Strap

₩540,000 ₩540,000
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      60일 머니백 개런티

      일반 반품: 커런트바디는 30일 이내 단순변심으로 인한 환불을 제공합니다. 환불을 원하시는 경우, 제품 수령 후 가능한 한 빨리 알려주시기 바랍니다.

      변심으로 인한 반품의 경우, 반드시 제품은 사용되지 않은 상태로, 수령 시와 동일한 상태여야 합니다. 또한 포장 씰이 개봉이 되어 있지 않으며, 포장 상태도 동일해야 합니다.

      머니백 개런티:60일 이내에 제품에 만족하지 못하는 경우, 제품을 반품하고 재입고 수수료 10%를 제외한 나머지 금액을 환불을 받으실 수 있습니다.

      2년 보증: 6개월 이내에 상품에 결함이 있는 것으로 판명된 경우 전액 환불받을 수 있으며, 반송 비용도 환불해드립니다. 6개월 이후 제품에 결함이 발생한 경우, 크레딧 제공 또는 교환만 가능합니다.

      꼭 알아두세요!

      • No.1 best-selling LED face mask with 1000+ 5 star reviews
      • 31% more powerful than any other LED mask
      • As seen on Netflix's 'Emily in Paris'
      • FDA-cleared, clinically proven to reduce wrinkles in just 4 weeks
      • 95% of users have seen improved skin tone, texture and firmness
      • Patented flexible silicone ensures light penetrates every area of the face
      • 132 LED bulbs deliver 30 mW/cm² for a powerful 10-minute treatment
      • Pillow Technology™ diffuses the LED light to ensure maximum skin coverage
      • 60일 머니백 개런티 완전히 만족하지 않으셨나요? Find out more

      가장 강력한 안티에이징 LED 마스크

      독립적인 테스트를 통한 임상 증거

      1. 독립적인 전력 밀도 (MW/㎠) 테스트

      An independent testing power density report, was conducted using a laser power meter. The comparison of products was carried out in a controlled test environment, showing the principles of fairness, justice and openness.

      Power density value description: Our product has a patented design of silicone height, which will increase the distance from the LED to the product surface and expand the light-emitting area. According to the 120° light-emitting angle and the Pythagorean Theorem, the distance is 2mm, and the light-emitting area of ​​a single LED Expanding from 19.62mm² to 28.95mm², the light has obvious attenuation during the propagation process. If the power density after a distance of 2mm can still meet the requirements, the test value is higher than other products, indicating that the effective area of ​​our phototherapy products is larger than other manufacturers.

      2. COVERAGE

      Using an integrating sphere combined with a spectrum analyser to test luminous flux, space irradiance and colorimetry of phototherapy products.

      The product works in a fixed and the same integrating sphere space irradiance total contrast value (visible light+ infrared light), this item is the most contrastive, because it gives a fixed space integrating sphere, internal 360° reflected light, including the irradiance of visible light and the irradiance of infrared light, no matter what the wavelength is or how many kinds of light there are, the tested irradiance is the comprehensive value of the product.

      Spatial irradiance test value description: This value is carried out in a fixed same space, and the value does not represent the intensity of light on the LED surface, but the average irradiance value of the light after attenuation in this space, the values ​​tested by various products can be compared, so as to judge the intensity of light and the level of energy.

      3. PRECISION

      Independent testing was conducted with a spectrometer to measure the LED wavelength.

      Note: Light propagates along a straight line, and the energy of light begins to decrease as the propagation decreases 2. The spectrometer tests the light at a distance of 20cm - optical extraction is area and it is the same area's uniform source of light. 


      Combined 633-nm and 830-nm led treatment of photoaging skin. (Goldberg, 2006).

      A clinical study to evaluate the clinical efficacy and ultrastructural changes in photodamaged skin after combined 633-nm and 830-nm light-emitting diode (LED) treatments. Thirty-six subjects received 9 LED treatments over the course of 5 weeks and were subsequently evaluated for final clinical improvement 12 weeks after treatment. Upon biopsy, it was established that there was a statistically significant improvement in wrinkles shown after profilometric analysis. 

      The majority of subjects reported improvements in softness, smoothness, and firmness at all time points. Electron microscopic analysis showed evidence of post-LED treatment of thicker collagen fibres.

      Summary: 633-nm and 830-nm LED treatments play a role in the treatment of photodamaged skin. LED treatments can be used as either a primary or adjunctive treatment modality. 

      가장 강력한 안티에이징 LED 마스크

      고객 설문조사를 통한 임상 증거

      구매 고객대상 독립 조사 연구 | Brand Growth Associates Ltd

      방법 및 표본: 커런트바디 스킨 LED 마스크를 지난 18개월 동안 구매한 Currentbody.com 고객. 7개의 질적, 개방형 추가 질문이 포함된 인센티브가 부여된 자체 완성 설문조사.

      현장조사는 2023년 3월 3일부터 4월 2일 사이에 수행되었습니다. 두 그룹에서 총 94명의 응답자: 50 & 45대 구매자

      중요 사항: 모든 검증된 구매자 - 각자 자기 돈을 £300 이상 투자한 객관적이고 '경험 많은' 샘플입니다.

      LED Face Mask before and afters

      • Before After

        Improves fine lines & wrinkles

        "Since purchasing my LED mask my skin has become softer and plumper and the fine wrinkles reduced. I am thrilled with it!"

        Alessandra, UK

      • Before After

        Balances skin tone

        "The mask has helped reduced redness, giving me a more even-toned complexion. Highly recommended!"

        Dani, UK

      • Before After

        Evens tone and reduces texture

        "After 4 weeks of continuous use, my skin has finally settled down. No more stinging and redness! I have also seen a reduction in pore size and old spot scars are much less noticeable."

        Sharon, UK

      • Before After

        Brightens skin

        "My skin is brighter and the darkness around my eyes has lightened, giving a more radiant appearance overall."

        Nicola, UK

      Clinically proven LED wavelengths

      Our LED Light Therapy Face Mask uses only clinically proven wavelengths to reach up to 4cm of skin tissue, stimulate the cells from within. Delivering the same clinically proven wavelengths as professional salon machines, this medically designed device offers 100% safe and pain free results; without the risk of overexposure.

      Embedded with 132 LED (light-emitting diode) bulbs, 66 red (633nm) and 66 near-infrared (830nm) wavelengths are diffused with Pillow Technology™ for complete skin coverage.

      Red light waves accelerate the production of new collagen, calms redness while creating an even skin tone. Near-infrared works beneath the skin’s surface to boost blood circulation, bringing oxygen and nutrients to the cells.

      Clinically proven LED wavelengths

      Patented Pillow Technology™

      Embedded with 132 LED bulbs, clinically proven wavelengths are diffused with Pillow Technology™ for complete skin coverage. This innovative technology enhances the efficacy and distribution of high quality LED wavelengths.

      Unlike regular LED devices with poor light distribution, Pillow Technology™ provides an even coverage on the skin’s surface, leaving no gaps. This allows skin cells to effectively absorb the maximum amount of beneficial light energy for the best results possible.

      Patented Pillow Technology™

      커런트바디의 LED 마스크를 사용한 스타들

      Your Questions Answered

      Your Questions Answered

      Our in-house Beauty Expert answers your most common Questions.

      Step 1: Conduct a sensitivity test (see contraindications).

      Step 2: Cleanse and dry your skin, then apply a few drops of the CurrentBody Skin Green Tea Serum.

      Step 3: Attach the mask and adjust the strap around your head.

      Step 4: Switch on, sit back and relax for your 10-minute treatment.

      Step 5: Remove the mask from your head and wipe clean.

      Step 6: Safely store in the protective storage bag.

      Step 7: Use 3 to 5 times a week as part of your morning or evening skincare routine.

      Watch the video on how to get started

      Yes, although any longer than the recommended treatment time isn't proven to be effective.

      The device is 100% pain free. It does not generate heat and should not feel uncomfortable.

      You can expect to see visible results in just 4 weeks when used consistently 10 minutes a day, 3 to 5 times per week. Although effective on its own, you will achieve the best results when used with our CurrentBody Skin Hydrogel Face Masks or CurrentBody Skin Green Tea Serum.

      Certain skincare and makeup can block the LED light from entering the skin. We recommend using the LED mask on clean, product free skin.

      There are 132 LED bulbs positioned in the face mask.

      6 to 8 hours for a full charge.

      Wipe down the transparent side of the LED face mask with water-based wipes or a damp, lint free cloth. Stubborn stains can be gently removed with 70% rubbing alcohol. We recommend cleaning your mask before every use to keep it fresh.

      Before carrying out your first treatment you must carry out a sensitivity test. Follow the step by step guide below;

      1. Power on your device.

      2. Switch ON the controller and allow the device to run for its full 10-minute treatment program. The device will automatically switch off after 10 minutes.

      3. At any time if your skin feels HOT or uncomfortable STOP using the device immediately.

      4. After the treatment wait at least 6 hours. If the skin appears red and/or itchy the device is unsuitable for you.

      5. Return the device to CurrentBody within 14 days for a full refund.

      DO NOT use this device to treat any other conditions apart from those listed in the indications for use. This device has not been tested for any other conditions than those listed, and the risk is unknown.
      DO NOT use this device if you are pregnant, planning on becoming pregnant or breastfeeding. This device has NOT been tested on pregnant or breast-feeding women and therefore the risk to the foetus, neonate or pregnant women is unknown.
      DO NOT use this device if you suffer from Lupus erythematosus, photosensitive eczema or Albinism. If you use this device system to treat Lupus erythematosus, photosensitive eczema or Albinism you may cause a severe skin reaction.
      DO NOT use this device if you suffer from any photosensitive disorder (sensitisation to light). If you use this device and you suffer from a photosensitive disorder you may cause a severe skin reaction.
      DO NOT use the device if you suffer from light-induced headaches.
      DO NOT use the device if you suffer from any genetic conditions of the eye.
      DO NOT use this device if you are taking any medication that can cause photosensitivity. If you use this device and you are taking any medication that can cause photosensitivity you may cause a severe skin reaction. Photosensitivity is a common side effect of various medications. These can include certain antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, and diuretics. If you are unsure about any medication you may be taking consult your healthcare provider. Other substances not listed above can also cause photosensitivity. Common examples of these substances are St John's Wort, Coal tar, deodorants, antibacterial soaps, artificial sweeteners, naphthalene (moth balls), petroleum products, brightening agents found in laundry detergent, and cadmium sulphide (a chemical injected into the skin during tattooing.
      Need some help?

      Need some help?

      Our friendly experts are here to help you to find your perfect beauty device.

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